A True Friend

Created by Ian 4 years ago
Sid has been part of my memories – and fond memories – for 45 years, ever since the Friend family moved to Derbyshire and I was asked “to look after the new boy” (Mark) when he started at my primary school. While our families grew up in parallel (though intertwined might be a better word) – even living in the same hamlet for a time -  Sid was always a kind and constant presence, and one that I appreciated more and more as I got older. I always got such a warm welcome if I turned up unexpectedly at their doorstep on some trip back to see my parents – he was so genuinely interested in what I was doing and time with him just flew by. In time, this generosity of spirit was extended to Annamaria and my children.
His devotion to his wife Ann was palpable: through her long, heroic, struggle with MS he showed her such tender love and concern. Pride too in the achievements of his children, and latterly, grandchildren. He was a constant friend, too, to my parents. When my father got dementia, many so-called friends disappeared. But not Sid and Ann, who were just there when needed, providing love and support without hesitation or thought – this just came naturally to them, being a deep and fundamental part of their nature.
I started saying Sid has been part of my memories for 45 years. But he will remain part of my memories: a gentle, kind and loving man, and someone who was (I’m afraid I’ll have to say it) a true Friend.